Industrial Products
We are engaged with the worlds renowned Manufacturers, Suppliers, Stockiest and Buyers and ensure the seamless supply chain operations from the receipt of enquiry to the delivery of the products either its single item requirement or complex Project/Package based Supplies covering more than 100 items.
Indusial Gasket,
Klinger gaskets, Flexitallic gaskets in Pakistan, Klinger Gaskets & Seal gaskets in Pakistan, Triplefast Middle East gaskets in Pakistan, Tiflex Limited gaskets in Pakistan, Euro gasket gaskets in Pakistan, Walker Rubber & Plastics Ltd, James Walker gaskets in Pakistan
Mechanical Woltman Water Meter pakistan, Multi-jet & Single Jet Water Meter Pakistan, Electromagnetic Flow Meter Pakistan, Vortex Flow Meter Pakistan, Ultrasonic Water Meter Pakistan,
Handheld Ultrasonic Flow Meter Pakistan, Wall Mounted Ultrasonic Flow Meter Pakistan, GPRS Wireless & Prepaid Water Meter Pakistan
Rego Products Importer in Pakistan:
Rego Globe & Angle Valves, Rego Emergency Shutoff Valves, Rego Internal Valves, Rego Excess Flow Valves, Rego Back Pressure Check Valves, Rego Flanged Fittings & Adapters, Rego Filler Valves,
Rego Hose End, Rego Fueling & Quick-Acting Valves, Rego brand Pressure Regulators & Accessories, Rotovates, Rego brand Pressure Relief Valves, Rego Brand Pressure Gauges & Vent Valves, ACME, CGA, Rego POL Fittings & Adapters